Friday, February 1, 2013

MJ wrote tell-all book before death

 MJ wrote tell-all book before death                  

London: Michael Jackson secretly began writing an autobiography about his lowest moments in the last years of his life, it has been revealed.
The pop legend, who died in 2009, wrote 600 pages of notes about his struggles during the late Eighties through to 2007, the Daily Express reported.
He also accumulated sketches and documents in an attempt to correct how history was written about him.
During those two decades, Jackson was rarely out of the headlines, not least for paying off Jordie Chandler 12 million dollars amid child-sex allegations. His admission that he shared his bed with children led Jackson to be accused but acquitted in 2005 of molesting Gavin Arvizo.
Anguished then Jackson flew to the Middle East where he began writing the manuscripts, where a former business contact has locked them away.
The wealthy associate is in two minds over releasing the book, which is not complete and would need to be fleshed out to make a full autobiography.
Jackson wrote one biography, 'Moonwalk,' which had to be heavily edited because of attacks on family members.
A source from Los Angeles said that the manuscript covers a raft of Jackson's adventures and business dealings.
He makes it clear that he is the father of Prince and Paris, the source said.
"Michael wrote the book because he never got a chance to tell his story and at some stage needed to express his feelings on everything," the source added.
The book addresses the child molestation at Neverland, insisting how he felt sickened that he was accused of doing that, the source said.

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